التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

post 2


The sustainable development goals

1  No poverty: Providing humanitarian aid and assistance to the poorest and developing countries, and to international organizations fighting poverty.

2  Zero hunger: The Kingdom aims to achieve food security at the local and global levels. It also aims to increase the contribution of the agricultural sector in the Kingdom to the GDP.
3  Good health and well-being: Promoting health and providing a healthy life for all, by launching several initiatives in the health sector at the local and global levels.
4  Quality education: Improving the quality of education at the global level, as well as providing the right to education for all, its quality and the distinction of its outputs as one of the most important pillars of sustainable development.
5  Gender equality: To increase the participation of women in the labor market, and to guarantee their rights in the field of health, education and participation in the labor market.
6  Clean water and sanitation: It aims to have access to safe water and adequate sanitation services among the basic human rights and emphasizes success in development areas.
7  Affordable and clean energy: Dependence on a resource other than oil, through diversification of energy sources such as renewable and alternative energy.
8  Decent work and economic growth: Generating diverse job opportunities, attracting global talents and talents to work and contributing to the development of the economy.
9 Industry innovation: Pay great attention to infrastructure and digital, support promising industries, regional and international connectivity, and support innovation, research and technology.
10  Reduced inequalities: The kingdom seeks to strengthen national unity and prevent everything that leads to division, strife and division.
11  Sustainable cities and communities: Providing roads and basic equipment, improving and beautifying cities, and developing municipal and rural areas.
12  Responsible consumption and production: The 12th goal of the United Nations is to ensure that the world is equipped with the necessary resources to meet its goals. These include improving the efficiency of energy use and maintaining a resilient infrastructure.
13  Climate action: Reducing the occurrence of natural disasters by developing a set of related regulations, plans and procedures, in order to protect lives and property from all natural hazards.
14  Life below water: Protecting the environment of the seas and oceans and reducing the sources of marine pollution, as the Kingdom seeks to improve the marine environment due to its importance in development and enhancing food security.
15  Life on land: The Kingdom's government has been keen to issue regulations to preserve protected areas for wildlife and plants, and to regulate the hunting of wild animals and birds; and trade in endangered species and their products.
16  Place justice and strong institutional: Combating corruption in all fields and combating all forms of violence and abuse.

17  Partnership for the goals: Activate and fortify the global partnership that brings together all of the resources from the three sectors of public, private, civil society, the UN system, and other active actors. It is crucial to ensure fair progress for all parties involved and boosting aid to developing nations.
